Friday, February 22, 2008


This Story is very interesting. I have to say that I like it better that "where are you going, where have you been?" I love how he accurately tells of the female hierarchy. We all know that one pretty girl that everyone envies and we don't want to really succeed is going to be on top. While we have the less attractive on bottom. Well who is to say who is attractive or not? He gives great details of the girls he describes the pretty on as having a chin that was too long, he tells about her white primadonna legs. At first I thought that he was being to critical but this is how he felt. He is a great observer. I can picture him sitting on the porch looking at everyone and telling on everyone. He calls the leader Queenie which I though was interesting. Without knowing her at all he just assumes that she is the leader, without knowing any of the girls he just assumes that they are followers. I just love how he describes everyone as sheep, like the customers are part of a flock driven and rounded-up into these corrals(cashier lines). I love how the Author paints this picture. I want to know what Lengal thought was decent. Is what is decent what is posted on the television? Would we even know what decent was without this invention? The only reason why those girls caused so much unrest it because they upset the natural order of their little world. This is a small town with a church in the middle, the girls resisted the status quo and released the unfamiliar. The Cashier decided to quit because he thought there was going to be a parade and the girls were going to serenade their selves to him. It was a humbling experience and a wake up call to him to see that the world is not all that it has cracked up to be.

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