Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Draft 1#2

Okay, nevermind I'm still confused. I understand that we are not suppose to be writing an essay that was inspried by the stories we have read in class but I still am not getting or understanding what my teacher is asking of me. I tried to start my paper this weekend but I was put to a halt because I didn't understand what my teacher is looking for. Does she want a well-developed reasearch paper like the ones that were written last semester or does she want something totally different. Someone explain this to me please................

Friday, March 7, 2008

Draft 1

I was very confused about this essay. I didn't really know what was expected of me and how I was suppose to deliver it. I know understand some of the aspects of this paper and what is expected of me.

For my essay topic, I think I want to explore how human behavior gets us into certain situations. When I think of this topic I think of how the grandmother in "A Good Man is Hard to Find" got her whole family killed because she was persistent. She was persistent on them going to Tennessee, she was persistent on them going down the dirt road, which landed them in "The Misfit's" hands.

Another story that reminds me of this is "Once upon a time". In this story the Mother needed to feel secure. So she begged her husband to get this and get that to help her in her false sense of security. While they were doing that, they forgot about their son who was kept in like a prisoner. He fantasied about sleeping beauty and the world outside and then he ended up killing himself. So the parents didn't really keep harm away, they helped harm come into their home.

Monday, March 3, 2008


This story is very interesting. The narrator in this story seems to be a typical person that is ignorant to the real people around him. I first want to tackle his connection with his wife. In this story the narrator, who does not have a name, lives a comfortable life with his wife. They do not express any known love for one another they are just comfortable in there relationship. They don't go to bed at the same time, he doesn't like her poetry and he doesn't seem interested in anything that goes on with his wife. Poetry is frequently mentioned in this story.

I think that Robert shatters the stereotype for his fellow disabled comrades. Robert is a blind man yet he doesn't wear glasses, he smokes weed, he drinks excessively, and he has a beard. Now that shocked me, how many blind people do you know with a beard? When the wife tells her husband the story of how Robert and his deceased wife met, the husband says that he went a whole eight years without even seeing her. That statement let me know that the husband was a shallow man, he carried about looks a lot and did not believe that you could love someone on a deeper level than that. I kinda wish good would have made us all look the same then we could really focus on what was important, personality. The first thing that leaves us is beauty.

The husband in this story experienced one of the greatest Epiphanies yet in all the stories we have read in this chapter. The husband had experience a human handicap that carries a lot of weight and emotion. he didn't want to be left alone with the blind man but them he started to understand him. The blind man became his eyes in drawing and detailing a cathedral. Its funny that he experienced this while drawing a religious monument when he said that he did not believe in anything.

A Good Man is Hard to Find

This story is fascinating. I loved it, it made me think about human behaviors. It sent a bone chilling thrill throughout my body. I love how the arthour made me feel remorse for "The Misfit" instead of the family he killed. The first thing I noticed about this story is that the narrator never named the children's mother. The narrator always refers to her as the children's mother, not wife or daughter-in-law. We saw this story from the grandmothers point of view, she did have a name either. I t seems like this is a comfortable family, living in a comfortable house but they seem spaced out, the family doesn't seem close to one another at all. The whole family seems to see the grandmother as a pest. She is always pressuring them to do things they don't want to do. She pressures them to go down a dirt road to some old plantation that was never there in the first place. She is always talking about what this is and what that is.

The kids are very ill mannered. they are a bunch of smart allics that I would hate to have to watch. There is a funny contrast between the children's mother and the grandmother. The children's mother seems to be passive while the grandmother is bold and robust. The children's mother wears slacks and kerchiefs, while the grandmother wears violets in her straw hat with white organdy trimmed collars and cuffs. When the grandmother said "In case of an accident, anyone seeing her on the highway would know at once that she was a lady" kinda gave a foreshadow of what might happen. I also thought that the grandmother was a very vain person. she always cares about what she looks like no matter if she was riding from Georgia to Florida in a hot sticky car between two feisty children.

The setting of this story seems to be in the prejudice south and this must be a white family. She referred to a black child as a pickaninny. that was a racist term for African-Americans. The grandmother was so obsessed with wanting to take a picture of this child with no pants on. It seemed to me that this made her feel good about herself to know that someone was beneath her. I wonder what Bailey said to his mother to make her so upset when they encountered "The Misfit".