Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Essay #2

I feel like I'm in a psychology class. I am continuously analyzing everything. I love it. I find myself using these techniques over and over again throughout my life. However, this is not what this post is about. this post is about what i want to do for essay 2. so i thought about it for quite awhile and i think that i want to do something with how the family structure has varied from time to time. my thesis might be something like " the family structure has changed from time to time" pretty much self explanatory.

Then i was thinking about doing something of how the middle child might get left behind as far as all the other children are concerned. i know i would have to do a lot of research for that.

I also want to show the father daughter relationship and how women were very sheltered creatures back in "the day." I want to show how the role of the wife has changed from a home maker to a home maker, a father, a provider, and maybe a business women.

I don't know I'm still confused but i think i want to do something along those lines. thank god that i finally learned what was suspected of me because i surely had a hard time with the first paper. but i think i have a grip on it now.

Monday, April 7, 2008

I Stand Here Ironing

It took me a long time to understand this story. I had to read this story twice to get a good grip on it. So from what I understand, somebody askes the mother of a child if she can sit down and talk to her about her child. that shounds very confusing but i hope you understand. the mother doesn't have anything to say to the person asking her because she thinks her daughter is a lost cause. then the story goes on to tell us how he thought of her daughter and how she felt about her.

This story really digs deep into how children of divorce deal with it. I beleive that children of divorce are much stronger than children with two parents. especially because they have had to deal with mommy or daddy leaving. so that means they had to go through a major shift at some point in their lives. Children that see divorce early I think, are least affected than children that deal with it late. the reason why is because younger children don't really know what is going on, plus they get acustomed to having one family homes so they make the transition early. older children understand more so they are able to choose which parent they want to grow up with, which parent they "side with", or which parent caused the whole turmoil. not saying there is a right or wrong answer but children that go through divoreces earlier in there lives are at an advantage.

then children that grow up in two parent homes tend to be more sheltered. they are allowed more and get more. They can run to either parent and ask for what they want. In a single parent home you are not able to do that because no means no.

I'm not sure that this is what the story is talking about becaus eit took me a while but i think i have some type of grip.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Sonny's Blues

This story really shows us family relationships. This story tickled me. It reminded me of my own family and how parents try to sugar coat everything. I'm wondering why that is, is it because at a young age we can't handle the truth or are they trying to shield us from so unknown harm. Why do we make promises we can't keep. I can't stand when parents ask us look after your siblings. I mean we can't sheild them from harm as much as we can sheild ourselves from harm. Why do parents have this high expectation for us, aren't they suppose to be the ones to look out for us.

This story also helped me to understand how drugs play a role in the family dynamics. drugs not only hurt the person doing them, they also hurt the people around them. This story remined me of an African-American family living in a government housing project. I've seen all the things mentioned in this story and I have felt some of the feelings in this story. The feelings of hoplessness and dispair are prelent in communities such as these.

This story tells how families are not the "joneses" they appear to be. It's funny how Sonny's brother tried to act like an older brother after their mother died. He never paid any intrest in anything Sonny did. Now all of a sudden he wants to bash Sonny's idea of becoming a drummer.