Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Essay #2

I feel like I'm in a psychology class. I am continuously analyzing everything. I love it. I find myself using these techniques over and over again throughout my life. However, this is not what this post is about. this post is about what i want to do for essay 2. so i thought about it for quite awhile and i think that i want to do something with how the family structure has varied from time to time. my thesis might be something like " the family structure has changed from time to time" pretty much self explanatory.

Then i was thinking about doing something of how the middle child might get left behind as far as all the other children are concerned. i know i would have to do a lot of research for that.

I also want to show the father daughter relationship and how women were very sheltered creatures back in "the day." I want to show how the role of the wife has changed from a home maker to a home maker, a father, a provider, and maybe a business women.

I don't know I'm still confused but i think i want to do something along those lines. thank god that i finally learned what was suspected of me because i surely had a hard time with the first paper. but i think i have a grip on it now.

1 comment:

Clary said...

Check out my blog Shakerrie. I've decided you don't need to base this essay on one of our readings. I also thought, based on your post, you could write about birth order, but your idea about marriage is also interesting and seems like you're making progress.