Monday, May 5, 2008

A Rose For Emily

This story is crazy. Miss Emily must be crazy. The whole town seems nutty. This story takes place in southern town still written with slavery. Miss Emily is the epitomie of the upper class snobby women that everyone hates but will tolerate. my mind is kinda wondering on this topic so bear with me. what is up with her house smelling like that, why do the officals not want to tell her that her house stinks? Is she that precsious and that scared that no one can tell her that S*** don't stink? and what is the deal with her killing that man? i think he was going to leave her and she didn't want him to. she already went through her father dying and her lover leaving her. why did the Faulkner name it a rose for emily? i don't see where a rose comes in, in this. well i'm about to go to class i'ma write some more after class.

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