Monday, May 5, 2008

lady with a lapdog

Dmirty Dmiritch Gurov reminds me of the song " and he where he lays his hat is his home but when he died.............." you know the rest. he is a sicking womanizer who i want to stuff a sock in his mouth. He really hated his wife and didn't like staying at home. this part reminds me of how husband and wife sometimes lose the magic in a marriage. things happen and people need to understand that everything is not going to be perfect in relationships. okay i'm done being Dr. Phil for right now.
Dmirty seems like he is searching for love. he made a mistake with his first wife and now he wants the real thing. i'm not conveience that he really loves anna. im convienced that he is infacturated with her. but when the infactuation goes away and life resumes if you are still interested in that person then that is love. i hate when young people try to say after 3 freakin weeks that they love each other. you have a infactuation with that person. you want to be around them forever until you really recongize thier ways. i find this funny about love in general because teenagers are not the only ones that make this mistake.

Hills like white elephants

OMG OMG OMG. this story was so annoying. it killed me to read it. the conversation between the man and woman was so dull. what the heck is up with licorice? why is that so important? these people are so indecisive. they couldn't figure out if the sky was blue or green.
the couple was really odd. the American didn't seem to like the girl very much. I think it was because she was talking too much but, that is what happens when you are drunk. and what is this stupid operation that the American wants this "Jig" to have. I wonder if it is to shut her big fat mouth. i think that the man is there on a vacation or something and he meets this lady has sex with her and then she gets pageant and he wants her to have an abortion. i think he has a whole family and wife at home and doesn't want to be taking for child support. but that is just my mind wondering.
like i said before the conversation was very dull. the lady was annoying and the man was pesiky. it drove me up a wall. he kept wanting her to get some kind of operation maybe her ta-tas were to small and he wanted some big ones but i don't think plastic surgery was out doing this time. i don't know many people that still travel by train and the ones i do know they don't perfer it.

A Rose For Emily

This story is crazy. Miss Emily must be crazy. The whole town seems nutty. This story takes place in southern town still written with slavery. Miss Emily is the epitomie of the upper class snobby women that everyone hates but will tolerate. my mind is kinda wondering on this topic so bear with me. what is up with her house smelling like that, why do the officals not want to tell her that her house stinks? Is she that precsious and that scared that no one can tell her that S*** don't stink? and what is the deal with her killing that man? i think he was going to leave her and she didn't want him to. she already went through her father dying and her lover leaving her. why did the Faulkner name it a rose for emily? i don't see where a rose comes in, in this. well i'm about to go to class i'ma write some more after class.